Zornitsa Gramkova

Zornitsa Gramkova (b.1981) is the author of the short story collections The Path of the Ants (2013, St. Kliment Ohridski Press) and They Never Tell (2019, Fama Publishing House), the latter nominated for the 2021 EU Prize for Literature. She has served as an editor for Free Poetry Society since its establishment in 2017. She is also member of SAFSI (Society of Animalists, Florists, and Scientific Illustrators), and works as a journalist for the Hristo Botev Program at BNR, hosting the Sunday morning show “Sunrise.” A longtime performer of Irish dance, she is an assistant teacher at the Cunningham Academy of Irish Dance Sofia. This is her first solo exhibition.

Welcome in our gallery - Wednesday – Friday, 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm, Saturday - Sunday 11:00 am - 7:00 pm!

11 August Street 7, 1000 Sofia
+359 87 850 70 41


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